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Bible Passage 3 John 1:2
This content is part of a series Health, in .


  • Pastor Adeoti Onaola
Date preached July 20, 2023

3 John 1:2 “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.”

Sickle cell disease is a group of blood disorders typically inherited from a person’s parents. The most common type is known as sickle cell …

-> It’s a group of inherited red blood cell disorders that affects haemoglobin (the protein that carries oxygen through the body). Normally, red blood cells are disc shaped and flexible to move easily through the blood vessels, but in this condition: red blood cells are “sickle” shaped (i.e the cells are not flexible), cannot move easily and can block blood flow to the rest of your body -> which can lead to serious problems, like stroke, eye problems, infections, pain crises etc.

It is a lifelong illness/ condition except by God’s divine intervention.

Screening and Prevention- Sickle Cell Disease
People who do not know whether they carry an abnormal haemoglobin gene can ask their doctor to have their blood tested.
Couples who are planning to have children and know that they are at risk of having a child with sickle cell disease may want to meet with a genetic counsellor. A genetic counsellor can answer questions about the risk and explain the choices that are available.

Potential genetic therapy treatments for sickle cell disease
Researchers at the NHLBI are exploring ways genetic therapies may help develop new treatments or find a cure for sickle cell disease. Genetic therapies aim to treat or cure conditions by adding new DNA or changing existing DNA.

TREATMENTS : The NHLBI (National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute) is leading and supporting research and clinical trials to find a cure for sickle cell disease. The only cure for now is Bone marrow transplant (bmt); they’re otherwise being treated Symptomatically with Pain killers (analgesia), antibiotics, blood transfusion, sometimes exchange blood transfusion; lastly,  bone marrow transplant (bmt) is currently the only cure for sickle cell disease, but there are effective treatments that can reduce symptoms and prolong life.

* Cooperate with your healthcare team who will work with you on a treatment plan to reduce your symptoms and manage the condition.
* Ask questions on whatever you don’t understand based on your condition.
* Take your medication regularly as prescribed, and report any concern (if any) on any medication or your health.
* Try to make yourself happy always: read books/ magazines, watch funny and educative movies for diversionary therapy.
* Do not embrace suicide please I beg of you in the Name of God: shorn every evil thought.
* Don’t keep to yourself always but prayerfully choose your friends: surround yourself with Godly and compassionate friends whom you can confide in; that doesn’t stop you from having your privacy.
* Finally, engage your mind with goodly, beneficiary, and Godly conversations.

* WARNING: However, Prevention is always better than cure, hence 2people with sickle cell traits should not marry each other please; don’t transfer the consequence of your own ignorance or none-challant attitude to the unborn child(ren): don’t bring them forth for trouble.

Believe in God, trust Him, tender your case before Him and pray: “casting your burden unto Jesus for He cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7). – – “He is abundantly able to deliver and to save those who trust in Him” (Romans 4:21). And if you are yet to know Him, this is a very good opportunity for you to come closer and surrender to His Lordship; He is the everlasting solution to all our problems and challenges in life. Jesus Himself said in Matthew 11:28-30 “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” GOD BLESS YOU.!! SHALOM!!

In series Health