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A HOLY ALTAR (The Altar of God) By Pst Adeoti Onaola

Date preached

A HOLY ALTAR (The Altar of God).

Hymn : Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty …..

Text : Gen 8:20-22

ALTAR according to Wikipedia dictionary is a structure upon which offerings such as sacrifices are made for religious purposes. Altars are found at shrines, temples, churches and other places of worship. They are used particularly in Pagan, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism (until the destruction of the Second Temple), and Modern Paganism. Many historical faiths also made use of them, including Roman, Greek, and Norse religion.

* Church/ Congregational Altars occupy a prominent place in most Christian churches -> They are placed for perma-nent use within designated places of communal worship (sanctuaries).

* City, Community, National Altars which are outdoors in nature -> could be at the entrance of a town/ village/ city/ Nation. -> Some are not even visible: this could be in cemeteries, in museums, and family dwellings.

* Personal Altars (Individual/ Closet) are those placed in a private bedroom/ personal space -> for ones private/ personal devotion.

* However, I am focusing on d Altar of God.

* An altar is a raised area in a house of worship where people can honor God with offerings. It is prominent in the Bible as “God’s table,” a sacred place for sacrifices and gifts offered up to God.

-> This could be commanded by God (Ex 20:24-25) -> God directed Israel to use twelve stones to raise Israel’s national altar), or

-> could be raised by an individual, group of believers under by d leading of d Holy Spirit (

* An Altar could be raised as a vow, or as a sign of appreciation or loyalty to God (Noah 8: ).

* Could also be raised as a result of Trust in God like King Jehoshaphat did in 2 Chr 20:

2 Types of Architectural Altars:
(1) those that are attached to the eastern wall of the chancel, and (2)those that are free-standing and can be walked around, for instance when incensing the altar.

Only a person who is spiritually alive and qualified can raise an altar. When God begins to speak to people about altars, He wants to enter into a fresh covenant with them. He wants to visit the land. He wants to bring about changes. That is why we must keep the altars of our nations alive.

1. Locate a good spot and make it a place of worship and consecration.

2. Hallow it by pouring anointing oil or water on it. You may also use salt to sanctify the ground (if the altar is to be outside the house).

3. Call upon the name of the Lord and ask the three to bear record on earth and in heaven to take note that you are raising an altar to Him on that spot (see 1st John 5:7). Recite the covenants for the altar using Exodus 34:10, Deuteronomy 30:5 and Jeremiah 31:33. There can be no altar without covenants. After the prayers and reciting the covenants, the altar should be anointed with oil.

4. Name the altar. For example: an altar of consecration, an altar of remembrance, an altar of righteousness, an altar of restoration, an altar of mercy etc. Abraham named his altar by various names of God – which corresponds with the name via which the Lord revealed himself at that point. For example, on the mountain, when the Lord provided the lamb for the sacrifice, Abraham called him Jehovah-Jireh.

5. Mark your altar. God directed Israel to use twelve stones to raise Israel’s national altar. The stones should be anointed with oil. You have to mark your altar with something memorable. In cases where possible, the use of 12 stones is preferable just like Elijah did on Mount Carmel. See Exodus 20:24-25.

1. Altars have power to bless or curse (Numbers 23:1-30). Altars can and do speak for generations (Genesis 28:11-22).
2. Altars stand as a memorial for those who raised them. Even the descendants of godly men who raised righteous altars are blessed by reason of God’s covenant relationship with their ancestors (Genesis 17:15-21, Genesis 22:15-18, 1 Samuel 7:8-12).
3. Praise and worship presented from a holy and sanctified altar represent sweet incense that God cannot reject.
4. To make progress, you must destroy the old altar and its priesthood (see Judges 6:25-31). To obtain the inheritance the Lord has given to us we must deal with the old altars in our families, communities, cities and countries that were raised unto Satan. Gideon did this and the Lord brought him into his destiny as a “mighty man of valour” (see Judges 6:11-32).
5. You can obtain open heavens by servicing your altar with sweet incense (of praise and wors2q11hip) offered in righteousness. Altars open unseen doors in the realm of the spirit. These are the highways for angelic traffic. As gates, altars attract spiritual traffic depending on who built them. Once spiritual highways are opened, they can either become the gates of hell (Matthew 16:18) or the gates of heaven (Genesis 28:12-16).
6. One of the most important things we must do is to build altars of righteousness in our locations so that the Holy Spirit can enter through these gates to change the face of the earth.
7. An inheritance can be forfeited if it is not protected by an altar of righteousness. Do not forfeit your inheritance by serving idols. If you mortgage an inheritance to powers of darkness, you forfeit that lot (see Deuteronomy 8:19-20, Deuteronomy 9:4-6). Demonic spirits from hell, which come through an evil altar into the earth, oppress and disinherit the people who invited them. These spirits working hand in hand with wicked men bring troubles, sickness and death to families, communities and nations. The power you have to bind them and release the captives is directly proportional to the purity and sanctity of your personal altar.
8. An altar is an instrument of legislation. The corporate altar of the church is the strongest legislature on earth. Jesus raised the church to be the supreme legislature on earth (see Matthew 16:18).
9. In the realm of the spirit there is a clear network of altars. The smaller altars network with the bigger and stronger ones. An individual’s personal altar links up with the community altar, and the altars of the community link with the overall altar ruling the territory or the nation. Abraham in Genesis 12 & 28 raised these kinds of altars at Bethel and Ai.
10. If you desire to have greater victory in your spiritual legislation, then begin to network with other “watchmen” in your location to raise territorial altars. They are stronger.
11. The city altar you build provides a prayer shield for your city. We must return to the old pattern of grooming disciples like Jesus and the Apostles did. Let the Pauls groom the Timothys and let the older women teach the younger ones.
12. Through the corporate altar in your city you can help defend and strengthen the territorial church. God is building a people of power.
13. You have an obligation to build an altar that will bless and sustain the next generation. As a church, we have the power to open and shut the gates of heaven. Elijah did this in 1st Kings 17:1; 18:1-45. The revival must not stop with us. The women must teach their daughters wailing and their neighbours lamentation (Jeremiah 9:20). We must, in unity, love and wisdom operate the key of David (see Isaiah 22, 1st John 2:1-14).
14. From your altar you can enforce God’s judgement on the workers of iniquity in your nation.

Let us pray for the grace to walk right and run our course to the end without missing the mark.
1. Ask the Lord to purge you inside and out. Purge us from – idle words, destructive words, backbiting, besetting sin and all forms of corrupting influences from our ancestors and our foundations.
2. Ask God to help you to remain focused.
3. Pray that the Holy Spirit will become your friend, your guide, your intercessor, and your teacher. John 16: 8-15; Romans 8:26-27.
4. Pray from Ezekiel 36:11 that God would grant you help speedily and ask God for the following: Multiplication of your resources to do the work He has called you to do. Increase in the fruits of your labour and the work of your hands. Settlement of your old estate. Remind God to bring to fulfilment the things He has promised you.
5. From Ezekiel 36:38 pray saying “Lord, settle me in the land which you have promised me and wipe away my tears.”
6. From John 15:16 pray saying “Lord, make me wise, make me a soul winner, make my fruits remain that the jewels on my crown will shine as the stars in heaven.”
7. Lord make me an agent of restoration; a restorer of the paths of righteousness to dwell in; a bridge builder to link lost and perishing souls to you (Is 58:12 – “
8. Father, make me a diligent watchman for Your Kingdom (Isaiah 62:1-7).
9. Pray Ephesians 1:17-23 over your life.

In series Salvation